Come along with me as I ride the rails, visit great model railroads, railroad museums, and buy railroad collectibles on eBay or elsewhere. Here you'll find images, audios, videos, links and information about trains of all sizes in all parts of the Wisconsin railfan universe.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Railfan Info Online
I'm not a scanner in the holster strapped to my hip, hat full of pins, vest full of patches, mongo camera lens toting, "every rivet in the right place" train-speak fanatic.
But I love trains.
I love to watch trains. I love the sound of trains. I enjoy the feel of riding in trains. I love the atmosphere of dinner trains, especially after dark.
I just like trains a whole lot. That's my only qualification for being a railfan. Because I enjoy finding great railfan experiences, I search the internet for them frequently and make lists of the best sites I find. Railfan excursions; railroad museums I want to visit; trains I want to ride; dinner trains to try. And I seek out other railfans in forums and newsletters and blogs.
The internet is such a cool way to network and can become a true resource for all railfans no matter what it is that draws them to trains.
More later.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Railfan European Train Travel
European Highlights by Train - Travel Photos by Galen R Frysinger, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
... Grand European Tours. European Highlights by Train. July 2002 ...
More soon.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Onalaska Traveler Reviews Amtrak
We arrived in Grand Junction where we were met by our son and daughter-in-law rested, well-fed, and ready for a week of hiking and backpacking on our 23rd trip to Colorado. It was our first trip on Amtrak. And it won’t be our last.So that’s the dirt on Amtrak travel — a great way to learn about Wyoming dirt and whatever else people will tell you as you share a meal while America the Beautiful rolls by outside your train window. We’re looking forward to the ride home.
Onalaska Community Life - Features
More soon.
Railfan Nation
Planning accessible, functional, safe, effective, and on-time commuter trains is an idea whose time has come again. Solar powered public transportation is a viable option and one way we can be less dependent on Middle East oil.
Before sunrise each weekday, hundreds of people descend on the Pittsburg BART station, trying to find parking and rushing in the cold air of predawn to the train that leads them to their jobs in the East Bay and San Francisco.
RIDING THE RAILS / Far-flung Bay Area towns hope commuters will hop out of bed and onto the train
More soon.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Thomas Makes New Railfans
It's a great way to introduce the children or grandchildren to riding the rails while enjoying at least some of the other activities a railroad facility hosting Thomas has to offer.
Dillsboro, NC – July 2006 – All aboard to celebrate 61 years of Thomas & Friends™! It’s an anniversary party everyday, as Thomas the Tank Engine rolls into Dillsboro, NC for Day Out With Thomas 2006: The Celebration Tour. This fun-filled family event offers preschoolers and their families the opportunity to take a 25-minute ride (approximate) with Thomas the Tank Engine, [a real steam engine,] and is sure to engineer miles of smiles for every guest. Thomas & Friends™ will be making tracks to great destinations across America, and this stop will be hosted by Great Smoky Mountains Railroad at 119 Front Street, Dillsboro, North Carolina, from July 22 – July 30, 2006.
Day Out With Thomas™ 2006: The Celebration Tour Chugs Into Great Smoky Mountains Railroad
More soon.
Train Travel Aids Commuters and Environmental Concerns
Milwaukee used to have one of the great inter-urban systems and now it has one of the freeway nightmares. No matter how much we wish our local governments had been able to see the future, it's just as hard to see things getting any better for commuters anytime soon.
It's fitting that a new city report on improving rail service between Guelph and Toronto using self-propelled diesel multiple units on the old CN North Mainline track comes just in time for smog season.
More soon.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Railfan Mini-Train Museum
Dennis Stalzer spends most Saturdays making sure the trains run on time in the small village of Chizton. He's the conductor of a private railroad company called Metropolitan Transit.
The trains run right behind Bert's old Five and Dime, down there across from Lady Di's hotel. Then past Chas' Pub with the nudist in the upstairs window, showing off her assets. Finally the engine slips behind Norma Jean's Café, where you can almost smell the fresh roast, before picking up the bench full of passengers at the local depot.
Trains, planes and ... | | Naples Daily News
A man's model layout is his domain but is what he says true? Are there not enough young people getting into model railroading to make it last? How young do we have to be to get involved?Chuck has had his American Flyer collection since he was a kid... albeit in boxes in storage until rather recently. It will take him another couple of years to actually have a functional layout. He didn't have the time and we didn't have the space for the trains when the kids were little. Our kids are mildly interested in the hobby now (they are 20 and 22) but once the layout is up and running we hope their interest will increase.
Someday they will have to decide if the trains are worth keeping and running or not. Maybe they'll have kids by then. And hopefully more time to play with more space to live.
More soon.
Railfans Online
Eddie's Rail Fan PageI realize there are a lot of railfans sharing their images and videos online but there are many more who aren't. If you have an interest in getting your images and videos online to share but you don't know how, take a look at this site:
More soon!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Railfan Diesel Days at IRM Great Success!
Trained volunteers run the trains for the most part; young and old. Many of them are railroad employees or retired railroad workers who just can't get enough trains.
More soon!
technorati tags:railfan, railroad, diesel, IRM, museum, trains
Railfan: Wanna Buy a Railroad?
Toll Holdings' sale of its Tranz Scenic tourist train business continues to track slowly, with a key participant saying it has yet to hear from any interested buyers.OnTrack, the owner and manager of New Zealand's railway infrastructure, said it had yet to hear from possible buyers of the TranzAlpine and TranzCoastal South Island railway trains about rail line access.
This brief article underscores the difficulties of operating and selling a tourist railroad in hard economic times.
More soon!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Railfan Diesel Days at Illinois Railway Museum
If you've never been to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL - you should go! Check out their website at for all their details. Be sure to check out their 3 webcams where you can see what's happening right now. (Look under Real-Time Activities for the links.)
Chuck likes to go to the IRM nearly every weekend and I can sometimes spot him via the webcams. Here's a shot I captured back in May from the Spalding Tower cam:

There's Chuck waving from our designated 'wave point'. This is a great place for railfans and their families!
More soon.
technorati tags:railfan, railroad, diesel, IRM, museum, trains
Tourist Trains: Solar-powered Ultra-light Rail Service?
VICTORIANS could soon enjoy a glass of chardonnay while coasting through the Yarra Valley on a solar-powered ultra-light rail service under consideration by the State Government.
Victoria puts hopes, and cash, into renewables - National -
I'm not currently aware of any solar-powered tourist trains anywhere but this is something I think needs to be explored.
More soon!
technorati tags:tourist, trains, railfan, railroad,solar-powered
Friday, July 14, 2006
Milwaukee Road 261 Excursion

Looking at the blue sky through the signature window styling of the Cedar Rapids above the back of the car.

Recreational train travel is such a gas. But when you are sitting in the back of the Cedar Rapids sipping cocktails and enjoying the company of other railfans, it's just like heaven.
More later.
Alone on the Cedar Rapids
Chuck got a nice little camcorder for his birthday present from the kids. These first videos are a little rough but you can still get the feel for the train.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Amtrak Roomette - Milwaukee to the Twin Cities
Virtual Train Trips to Demonstrate Convenience to North Americans
I found this interesting article today about how Rail Europe is doing something to "demystify" North Americans.
To simplify booking European rail travel, Rail Europe has introduced four categories of fares for point-to-point train tickets on all routes throughout Europe and the UK: economy (restricted economy), freedom (unrestricted economy), comfort (restricted premium) and premier (unrestricted premium). The company has also added virtual train trips featuring unscripted interviews with real travelers at to show North Americans how convenient and rewarding it is to experience Europe by rail.
More later.
World's Highest Railway to Tibet Opening Saturday!
I found this interesting article today about the completion of a "staggeringly difficult" railway from Beijing to Lhasa.
"When the inaugural train leaves Beijing on Saturday on the two-day trip, passengers will remain in sealed carriages as the train climbs to the Tibetan plateau and passes delicate tundra inhabited by antelope, yaks and wild donkeys.
Three trains a day, each carrying 900 passengers, will begin what is touted as a journey to and from the "roof of the world.'' As trains traverse a peak elevation of 16,640 feet above sea level, oxygen will flow into the sealed carriages to keep passengers from keeling over with altitude sickness."
Chuck and I met a couple of fellows on the 261 twenty days ago who are heading to China to ride the rails in October of this year. Maybe we can get a report back from them.
More later.
technorati tags:railway, completion, china, tibet, train, railroad
Upcoming Railroad Events
As a subscriber to Trains Magazine, we can access their information online. Here's a small sample of what subscribers can view online. The links have been removed because without a subscription they will not function.
Upcoming events found in United States(events in the next 3 months)Ilwaco Railroad DaysIlwaco, WA 07/15/06 - 07/16/06Model Railroad & Toy Train Swap MeetLakewood, CO 07/15/062006 National Summer SteamupMcClellan, CA 07/19/06 - 07/23/06National Summer SteamupSacramento, CA 07/19/06 - 07/23/06The 2006 "O" Scale National ConventionParsippany, NJ 07/19/06 - 07/22/06The Cedar Valley Garden Railway Society’s 3rd annual Tour of Garden RailwaysCedar Rapids, IA 07/22/06National Collectors Club ShowBrick, NJ 07/23/06Train Enthusiasts Night at the Morris ArboretumPhiladelphia, PA 07/27/06Annual Tuckahoe Jct. Summer Sizzler Train MeetTuckahoe, NJ 07/29/06 - 07/30/06Regal Railways 2nd Train Show and Swap MeetClearwater, FL 08/05/06NMRA Illinois Terminal Division Monthly MeetingIL 08/08/06TCA Volunteer State Chapter Train MeetKnoxville, TN 08/12/06Great Midwest Train ShowWheaton, IL 08/13/06Mid-America Train & Toy ShowKansas City, MO 08/13/06National Collectors Club ShowWayne, NJ 08/20/06"N-SCALE WEEKEND" By N-Scalers for N-ScalersBedford, PA 08/26/06 - 08/27/06Tri-Annual Swap Meet and Open HouseSimi Valley, CA 08/26/06Kentucky Flyer Railroad LTD Show and Swap MeetCarrollton, KY 08/27/06Northwest Model Railroad Expo-2006Caldwell, ID 09/09/06 - 09/10/06Buffalo Central Terminal 1st Train ShowBuffalo, NY 09/10/06Great Midwest Train ShowWheaton, IL 09/10/06TTOS S.W. Div. Train MeetArcadia, CA 09/10/06CentraMod 24th Annual Temple Model Train ShowTemple, TX 09/16/06 - 09/17/06Foothills Society of Model Railroaders - Model Railroad & Toy Train Swap MeetLakewood, CO 09/16/06Model Railroad & Toy Train Swap MeetLakewood, CO 09/16/06Model Train Show by The Walnut Creek Model RR ClubWalnut Creek, CA 09/16/06 - 09/17/065th Annual Model Train ShowTaunton, MA 09/17/06All Trains Flea MarketGreenville, OH 09/17/06Greater Kansas City Model Railroad ExpoKansas City, MO 09/23/06 - 09/24/06Green County Model Railroaders Inc. Show and SaleMonroe, WI 09/23/06 - 09/24/06Pepperell Siding Model Railroad Club 19th Annual Show and Open HousePepperell, MA 09/24/06Providence & Worcester Railfan Club Model Train ShowWebster, MA 09/24/06The Mountain Toy & Railroad Club Swap MeetHudston, NY 09/24/06Washington Model RR Club Annual Train Show & Swap MeetWashington, IA 09/24/06Wilmington Railroad Museum Train Show & SaleWilmington, NC 09/30/06 - 10/01/06Clarion Model Railroad Club Train ExhibitClarion, PA 10/01/06 - 10/08/065th Annual Indianhead Model Railroad Club Train Show & SaleEau Claire, WI 10/07/06 - 10/08/06Decatur Train Fair 2006Decatur, IL 10/07/06 - 10/08/06Prairie Lakes Division/NMRA Fall Meet & 20th anniversary celebrationEstherville, IA 10/07/06Great Midwest Train ShowWheaton, IL 10/08/06TTOS S.W. Div. Train MeetArcadia, CA 10/08/06Whistle Stop Train ShowWilliamsport, PA 10/08/06This three month national schedule of railroad events is just a small part of all the great resources you get from All serious railfans will benefit from subscribing - we've been getting Trains Magazine for years. Chuck reads every issue cover to cover!
More soon.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Railfan Beginnings
None of the old circa mid-60's images are great compared to other more serious photographers of the time, but these images mean a great deal to Chuck. They remind him of how different his life was back then and how much things have changed in Milwaukee and elsewhere. He is the invisible element in every photo; the young man behind the camera. They are part of his personal history.
I'll get around to finding the old pictures and scanning in a few someday soon so you can see those moments of time captured through younger eyes. Chuck loves the trains.
Railroading touched his life through his grandfather, George Trabert, who worked for the Milwaukee Road some 34 years, but that's another story for later. George's claim to fame is that he was the guard on the first carloads of beer to reach the yard after prohibition was lifted.
We're Milwaukee Road collectors, meaning we buy-sell-trade ephemera, tools, tins, bits and pieces of linens, bags, books, stamps, and even car heaters that are marked CMStP, CMStP&P or Milwaukee Road. We've branched out into Chicago & Northwestern and even some Amtrak collectibles in the last couple of years as more opportunites come our way. We discovered some great sources for finding treasures that most raifans probably don't know about unless they are serious railroad collectors.
For example, if you are a member of the Milwaukee Road Historical Association and go to the annual convention, there is an opportunity to bid on some great items at the auction, and there is always a room full of quality vendors setup for leisurely shopping within the conference facility. Some things are only available to members so it's something worth considering if you are begining to collect railroadiana.
Many of the fallen flags have historical associations and/or museums that have memberships available for nominal annual fees. We also belong to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL which isn't too far from home. Chuck loves the weekends down there with his video camera in hand. Some clips will be featured here soon. Railroad museums often sell some donated items items to help support thier facilities so a look in the bookstore is always on the agenda for Chuck.
Finding cool old railroad items in antique malls, thrift shops, and even garage sales is still possible every once in awhile. Sometimes when old railfans get off at the last station, their family is unaware of the value that a collection may have and they may just want to get rid of the 'junk'. There are some collectors who know how to ferret this information out and get into a position to purchase many great treasures at incredible prices.
Other times the family is well aware of the value of the collection but wants to keep it together so they might sell the lot or sometimes donate it to a museum. Duplicate items donated to railroad groups are often auctioned off at conventions or sold to dealers to help fund the organizations.
It's the smart collector who knows to sell off non-essential items to pay for the stuff he wants to keep and maybe have enough left over for the next great deal that comes along. We'll get into this in more detail too, but the most consistent place to find railroad collectibles is eBay. If you haven't ever used eBay but you collect railroad items, this will be a good time to learn how to use eBay to add to your collection and sell off your non-essential items to fund your hobby.
A Wisconsin Railfan Blog