Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Railfan Mini-Train Museum

Dennis Stalzer spends most Saturdays making sure the trains run on time in the small village of Chizton. He's the conductor of a private railroad company called Metropolitan Transit.

The trains run right behind Bert's old Five and Dime, down there across from Lady Di's hotel. Then past Chas' Pub with the nudist in the upstairs window, showing off her assets. Finally the engine slips behind Norma Jean's Café, where you can almost smell the fresh roast, before picking up the bench full of passengers at the local depot.

Trains, planes and ... | naplesnews.com | Naples Daily News

A man's model layout is his domain but is what he says true? Are there not enough young people getting into model railroading to make it last? How young do we have to be to get involved?

Chuck has had his American Flyer collection since he was a kid... albeit in boxes in storage until rather recently. It will take him another couple of years to actually have a functional layout. He didn't have the time and we didn't have the space for the trains when the kids were little. Our kids are mildly interested in the hobby now (they are 20 and 22) but once the layout is up and running we hope their interest will increase.

Someday they will have to decide if the trains are worth keeping and running or not. Maybe they'll have kids by then. And hopefully more time to play with more space to live.

More soon.

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Railfans Online

While out and about online this morning I came across another railfan blog very similar to my own in appearance but from a completely different perspective. Please check out Eddie's Rail Fan Page when you get a chance. Lot's of great images and commentary.

Eddie's Rail Fan Page

I realize there are a lot of railfans sharing their images and videos online but there are many more who aren't. If you have an interest in getting your images and videos online to share but you don't know how, take a look at this site: http://www.RailfanInfo.com.

More soon!

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